April 4, 2007

Hot Springs NC

We are out of the Smokies now, in Hot Springs NC. It took us five days to traverse the seventy plus rugged mountain miles of Smokie Maountain National Park. The weather was near perfect; if not sunny, it was always beautiful. Mountain clouds turned normally longdistance views into geourgous cloud walks. We saw more wildlife than we had seen before, whether that was because of not having dogs or simply being in a national park, we didn't know. We nearly stepped on a rattlesnake, scared some grouse (whose call, which sounds like someone trying and failing to start a lawn mower, had us befuddled for days), and gazed upon soaring eagles.
Though beautiful, we were perhaps, relieved to escape the smokies for tamer land (or so we thought). In fact, upon reciving the dogs Monday morning, we hiked into perhaps the terrain with the best vews yet on top of Max Patch. This morning we took a liesurly three mile stroll into Hot Sptings for some hot southern breakfast biscuts and gravy. The dogs are happy to back with us on the trail, we are happy to continue hiking, and the journey continues. Hoping all is well!!
-Tom, Pooch, Roxi and Pete


Anonymous said...

Nice dog!
I need to write you guys more often. Sure think about you a lot. Can't wait to join you at Jebb's.
-Pete's Dad

Unknown said...

Happy Easter -
Sounds like you are moving right along. Hope you are staying warm. It's pretty chilly in New Jersey. Am enjoying your progress reports. Keep 'em coming.