Damascus VA!!!!!
A couple of stories to note:
Story number 1) As you all know, we are out here as part of a fundraiser for the Dessin Animal Shelter (
http://www.dessinshelter.com/). However, that doesn't mean that Pooch's (Laura) animal saving efforts have stopped... While in Erwin last week, we found a stray dog running about a White's Grocery Store. She is a little 7-8 month old black lab/corgi type mix, and we quickly gobbled her up after finding no owners or anyone else around that knew about her. She came back to the Hostel with us and was quickly dubbed "Erwin" after her hometown. After spending a day looking for her owners and finding none, we prepared to take little Erwin out onto the trail with us; there is no local animal shelter and we couldn't find anyone who would take her. As we were putting on our packs, just about ready to leave, an angel landed in the form of Tattoo, a friend of ours, who decided to take Erwin for himself!! After giving Tattoo some food, a collar and leash, and some pointers, the new father took her in.
Story number 2) Last weekend was a tough one; Sunday was spent hiking in sleet and rain in 50 mph driving winds on top of treeless ridges. That night, it snowed, up to six inches in places. The following day we decided to hike 24 miles, much of it in snow, to the Kincora Hiking Hostel in Hampton TN. We arrived after 12.5 hours of hiking to a very warm hostel and lots of pizza. That night, just after midnight, we recieved word of a lost hiker still up on the ridge. Tom Dooley (Ben) and another thru-hiker, Foot Pump, as well as a local hostel ownder, decided to hike back up the trail to look for the hiker. We had word that he thought he was only two miles up the trail, but had dropped his headlamp and cellphone. He had no overnight equipment with him, and had possibly broken his ankle. Pooch stayed in the hostel to keep track of things and call emergency services if needed. Forunately, after only two miles of hiking back into the woods, we found the hiker. His name was Mr. Davenport, and he was 70 years old, very crotchety, tired, hungry and thirsaty, but altogether just fine. He had only a small pen light with him, and was moving very slowly. After giving him some food and water, we accompanied him down the trail, making sure he didn't fall over ledges or into creeks. An hour later, we arrived safely back at the hostel, and went back to bed!
So as you can see, our fondness for finding homes for little lost puppies and saving lost old men never ends, no matter our location or time of day!!
Just to check up, Pete is still doing just fine, though his owner may need some fixing in the near future. Roxi is, as always, ready to go all the time, giving Pooch a real handful (and earful ;-).
Here are some pics, just for kicks, as well as a posting by Pooch that never made it onto the blog, which dates back to just before entering the Smokie Mtns.

"We are at Fontana Dam, the largest dam in the eastern United States. This marks the southern end of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. This next 70 mile stretch (thru the park) is one of the places the dogs cannot hike with us. The kennel picked them up this morning and they will surely love their much deserved rest and relaxation. As for Ben and I, we are enjoying our time away from the 'kids'.
Some of the other people we've been going at a similar pace with are Tatoo, Zoobe, Snack Break, WireNut, Ice Man, Cowboy, Dog's Life (Pete and Roxi inspired that one), CrankBait, Boo-boo, Mingus Kahn, Tin-tin, Joseph Stallin, Rennesance Man (with canine GoJo), Not Yet, Toto & Dorothy, Will & Able, and the famous Model T. We have even spent an evening with Little Engine who is a high school graduate just finishing up his south bound trek.
There are three groups of people out here:1-Young graduates who are putting off life for a while to reflect on life.2-Those in a mid-life crisis and are trying to find themselves.3-Retirees who are having way too much fun with life.All are grand company and have rather interesting stories to tell. Perhaps the only thing we all have in common is a fascination with this trail and a taste for adventure.
That's all for now; we gatta climb the Great Smokies!!"
See ya!
Remember me from your high school??? Great to see that you are still so committed to animals and wildlife! Is the lizard still alive, and who is watching it while you are on this trek??? Good Luck on your trip! Dr. Burns
Well hello Pooch and Tom Dooley! I hope you are doing well. Moonwatcher here. You may remember me from the Smokies. I was just looking through my photos and came across a few of you I think you'd like to have and I'd love to share them with you. So I googled and found this site. I'd also like to thank you for taking the photo of me on Charlie's Bunyon. It is a real treasure for me to have captured the moment.
If you'd like the photos, you can contact me by leaving a guest book entry in my journal at trailjournals.com or RMcGarr933@aol.com
Your fellow hiker,
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