October 22, 2007

Slide Show

Its been a month now, and life is as normal as it will ever be. We are, however, in the midst of wrapping up our great adventure. This Thursday at the Honesdale High School at 7:00PM we will present the TrailDogs slide show! All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please let us know if you need directions. If you can't make this one, there will be at least one more showing, likely more: Wednesday Nov. 7th will be at the New Paltz Rescue Squad in New Paltz. There will also likely be a showing at Hamilton College, though the date is not set. Please come and listen to stories and share your own!



Anonymous said...

Considering your committment to making the world a better place for animals, specifically the loyal, wondrous canine/dog, and your selfless contributions, I was curious if you or anyone had anything to offer those in the community and beyond for the 1,000 dogs "saved" from the fire at Alder Ridge Farm on Reynolds Rd., Lakewood/Honesdale, PA on Oct. 12/07? In veiw of the exposure of such a vile operation, in which James V. Barton profits from "producing and selling to research labs - purpose bred/colony raised beagles and "mongrels" to be tortured and ultimately murdered in research labs across our nation. Compassionate people who deeply care about all dogs, even those destined for cruel research, and realizing now that the government protects this monster, Barton, and his likes, but there is NO protection for these hopeless, 1,000 dogs who are caged and still waiting for the touch of a kind human hand. Please speak out for this cruelty that is sanctioned and funded by government, tax dollars. What a shameful business to have right in your front door of a community - a community and animal shelter who clearly states their concern for ALL animals. Don't these dogs deserve a statement of some kind from animal advocates in the community, or people of substance and clout, like yourself. thank you for all you can do.

Anonymous said...

As much as all of us would like to wish the pain these dogs feel upon those who profit from their existence, unfortunitly every one of us has benefited from them. Unless you are a vegan who has never EVER used any medications, cosmetics, cleaning products, or healthcare, you have indirectly supported an operation exactly like the one zonah speaks of. Pigs crave touch more than dogs but we still torture, murder and eat them. How is this different from these dogs? I am certainly not approving of such a facility but I too am guilty of not entirely practicing what I preach. I lead by example instead of trying to scare people with a shock factor. I fear this is a "not in my backyard" issue. There is a reason why the government is protecting them, it's because our health care system depends on it. That means YOU! It is a painful truth but until we find alternatives (or find out everything there is to know about cancer) we need to have these facilities somewhere. It just sucks it has to be here. I suggest that all of you who find yourselves outraged about the happenings on oct 12th, to stand back, gain a broader perspective, and move forward with gusto to actively make change. No-one can do anything until laws are passed or evidence against current laws is documented. Get Peta in here, go for it, be my guest. But before you do that, try being a vegan, giving up makeup, never using cleaning products, and don't use ANY medications. That includes Tylenol folks. And if you find yourself in front of a doctor, please don't hold it against them that nearly every bit of medical knowledge they have is the result of some poor soul being tortured years ago. Wouldn't it be ironic if your life was saved because of the dogs at Alder Ridge Farm.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you aware of the many alternative methods of testing medications, experimenting with their effects without the use of animals? DEALING DOGS to research labs is a BIG money making business, as well as Dealing other animals, e.g. primates, farm animals, etc. Do you REALLY think no life saving medicines, procedures wouldn't have been produced without the merciless, cruel use of animals, who can't escape and have no voice, or choice? Selfish, consumer crazed people have betrayed our animals by allowing government to fund, support these institutionalized animal abusers. Thanks to people like you, it remains legal to use animals as "things" ignoring their physical and emotional pain, and allowing them to die usually agonizing deaths, with Human diseases, dismemberment, invasion surgical procedures, and every hideous experiment these Frankenstein scientist can think up, often duplicating - afterall, they are bankrolled by our tax dollars by the millions. Why don't you turn over your pet to experimental labs if you are so interested in living at the expense of their untold misery.

Anonymous said...

Oh, BTW, it did not go unnoticed that You people in Honesdale could have had a voice for the thousands of Beagles this monster intends to condemn to hideous tests, experiments and torture until they die of one of your diseases - that still hasn't been cured. Shame on you. You let people from far away speak up for these hopeless, innocent dogs who now are suffering untold pain. Thanks for nothing!

Anonymous said...

Zonah, I am very sorry that you are so eager to accuse and point fingers. Perhaps you could better use your energy and passion for making change instead of fueling the fire for enraged arguments that solve nothing. I really don't appreciate your tact-less accusations designed to get nothing more than a personal, defensive reaction.
I personally believe that there is only one remaining frontier for medical research and that is for malaria. But, I am not selfish enough to think that I can enflict my ideals on others and then accuse them for failing at life.
Try respecting your fellow humans and then you will find they will be much more receptive to learning about where our food comes from and why it is important to understand the whole picture. Anger and personal insults are only successful in turning people away from the issue and ruining any chance of meaningful conversation. You have lost my audience.

Anonymous said...




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Anonymous said...

hi all

Anonymous said...

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