February 27, 2007


5 Days to Lift-off...

Roxi is ready. A marathon runner at heart, she has already packed her pack, triple checker her gear list, and loaded up on carbs for the big starting day. She is going to be the happiest dog ever going on the world's longest dog walk.

Me? I'm just glad we're finally going to be doing this trip. So much planning and waiting, I just want to go for a hike with my dog.

This white blaze painted on the trees is at the heart of the AT. Starting in Georgia, anyone can walk to Maine by following these blazes. No turning or navigating, just walking.

We'll see you in the South....

February 25, 2007

trail moms

Concerned Parent: "So how are you going to carry your cell phone, PDA, laptop, GPS, and emergency beacon??"
me: "Um, well, we're not..."
CP: "You're making the dogs carry them? That doesn't seem safe."
me: "No, we're not making the dogs carry them, we're simply not taking them."
CP: "Which aren't you taking? The laptop?"
me: "No, well yes, we're not taking the laptop, but I mean that we're not taking any of that stuff."
CP: "WHAT??? How will your mother know where you are??"
me: "Well, she wont, unless we call her."
CP: "How can you call her if you don't have a cell phone??? You haven't been thinking this through, have you."


February 15, 2007

Gear, pasta, and dog food

Tent, stove, sleeping bag, socks (thanks NE Sports), pack, pot, lighter, spoon, compass, journal, extra boot laces. Check.

Annie's Mac&Cheese, rice, beans, stuffing, couscous, apple rigs, hot cocoa, GORP, snickers, oatmeal, Ramen, dried peas, Instant Jello cheesecake. Check.

400 lbs of dogfood ordered from Pet Central (I'm not kidding, 400 pounds) ,60 pigs ears, 30 bullies, 30 pig snouts, 100 rawhides, 200 milkbones, 10 bags of dried tripe. Check.

Roxi's pack is up to 15 pounds and she carries it like gravity isn't working. At least one of us is in shape!